The Enneagram system is separated into Three triads which characterize the central concerns of the three types within each triad, each type underexpresses, overexpresses, and controls the energy of the center in a particular way.
The types are influenced by the types on either side of them on the enneagram. The influence of these types is referred to as a "wing". Most people have a dominant wing that influences their type but some find they are affected equally by the types on either side of their dominant type. For example some 2s are primarily influenced by 3 on one side and thus are referred to as a 2 with a 3 wing, (written in this blog as 2w3) while others are influenced more by the 1 on the other side of the 2 and are referred to as a 2 with a 1 wing, or 2w1.
The energy here is mental; issues of thought, fear, authority and trust are paramount and of major concern for the types in this center. These individuals typically struggle with anxiety and want to find safety by knowing who and what to believe about life and the world. This search for knowing can lead to avarice (5), doubt (6), or gluttony (7).
Five: The Investigative Loner
This is the consummate mental type who deals with the anxiety about the world be attempting to know the world. 5s believe that by understanding the world they will be able to mitigate the anxiety they feel about inhabiting the world. Typically 5s are uncomfortable with human relationships because of their unpredictable nature and prefer to observe rather than participate, until they are sure of what to do. This is the iconoclastic scientist archetype. They overexpress the energy of the head center by focusing a lot on their ideas and the knowledge they have acquired. Avarice is expressed in the need to acquire enough to sustain life and not be left without.
This is the most confusing and misunderstood type on the Enneagram due to its inherently ambivalent nature. 6's have the most compounded issues surrounding trust and tend to look for a safe harbor with which to relax. However, 6s find it difficult to relax because they are constantly scanning and reacting to the percieved dangers in the environment, fearing that if they let their guard down they will be taken by surprise. Therefore the 6 is a wonderful problem solver and often sees difficult truths that others neglect to notice but consequently struggles most acutely with anxiety and doubt due to their focus on this often troubling intutive information. They search for something (an idea, institution, person, religion, political affiliation, spiritual orientation, etc) to believe or trust in so they can have certainty about what will come next. 6's control the energy of the head center through attempting to think of every possible contingency to avoid danger and therefore head off their anxiety. Doubt is expressed through the need to have certainty and the simultaneous understanding that nothing is certain. 6s can express the relationship to fear and anxiety in two ways; through a counterphobic response in which they move toward fear in order to avoid experiencing it (this would be like taking a public speaking course if you are afraid of public speaking) or a phobic response in which you ingratiate yourself to others to seem less threatening as if to say "don't fear me, I'm harmless" which therefore helps you to feel less threatening and therefore less threatened by others. Most 6s express both tendencies in different areas of life (phobic at home, counterphobic at work, or vice versa).
Seven: The Enthusiastic Improviser
This is the most positive and outgoing type in the Enneagram and is typically the most energetic. 7s are entertaining and manage the mental energy by staying busy. 7s live by the idea that you can't catch a moving target so they are constantly projecting themselves into the future with fun ideas, plans, or exciting endeavors in order to avoid feeling the anxiety that seems to be chasing them down. 7s love to synthesize ideas and are extremely innovative but can have difficulties with completion due to their fear of being "tied down." 7s underexpress the energy of the mental center as they attempt to outrun their anxiety through action and doing. Gluttony is expressed in the need to acquire more experience in order to never be deprived, bored, or boring.
7w6s are more loyal and relationally focused than the more independent 7w8. They express the energy of the 6 through a need to be loyal and supportive friends but still desire more freedom and autonomy than the 6w7. They are typically funny and entertaining and feel safest when people like them for the fun, outgoing people they are. They tend to run higher anxiety due to the influence of the 6 and will often deal with this anxiety through humor. The are often called "The Comedian". 7w8s are more earthy and grounded taking the gut energy of the 8 and channeling it through the mental energy of the 7. They are typically more forceful about having their fun and more independent. They present less bubbly than the 7w6 and express the 7 energy more through decisive action in the world. They crave many things and want those cravings met so they can seem more demanding and bossy than the other subtype. They are often called "The Sensualist."
The energy here is feelingful, heartfelt and focused around relationships (both to the self and others). These types have compounded issues around self image, shame, grief, and recognition and attention. These types often try to find themselves in relation to other people but can get caught in playing a role in order to garner attention. This search can lead to pride (2), vanity (3) or envy (4).
Two: The Giving Helper
2 is the most outwardly feelingful of all of the Enneagram types and is most concerned with their relationship to other people. They focus on relationships above all else and desire to be helpful, supportive and important to the people in their lives. 2s find the most satisfaction in being helpful to others and so therefore overexpress the energy of the heart center by being obviously effusive, complimentary, and heartfelt. This can degenerate into a need to be seen as important to others and thereby deserving of attention. Pride is expressed in the belief that they are more helpful and generous than others and that they are underappreciated.
Three: The Successful Salesman
3's are the Enneagram's consummate image personality and are adept at adapting themselves to whatever a situation calls for. 3's are successful, ambitious, and dynamic personalities that believe in the value of healthy competition and winning. 3's want to be seen as successful to others so can sometimes fall into playing a role in order to gain approval. 3s underexpress the energy of the heart center as they disconnect from their true emotions in order to effectively play the role they are trying to project. 3s can fall into deceitful behavior due to a need to impress and outshine others. Vanity is expressed as the 3 begins to believe the image they project to the world and its inherent value over others.
Four: The Misunderstood Intuitive
4s are the "deep sea divers" of the Enneagram and are concerned primarily with discovering their identity through introspection and creativity. 4s believe that their purpose is to discover the truth of who they are so therefore dedicate themselves to uncovering the totality of their emotional lives. 4s are intuitive, creative, and moody. 4s can get stuck in the morass of their emotional lives and find it difficult to orient themselves to the world, getting stuck in dark or depressing emotions and staying melancholically stuck to the past. 4s therefore control the energy of the heart center in an effort to keep the intensity of their inner worlds alive they dredge up emotional content often resulting in melodramas or ineffectual reverie for what is missing. Envy is expressed in the belief that other people are in possession of something the 4 desires and that the 4 has been denied access to the proverbial brass ring.
The energy in the gut center is earthy, grounded, stable and mutable. These types typically have issues surrounding anger and repression and manifest this energy in different ways. Gut types tend to default to the gut instinct when making decisions and use thought or feeling to support these gut intuitions about the world. These types crave acceptance for the way they are and often find it difficult to modulate themselves to the expectations of the world around them so go about meeting this expectation in the way characteristic of their type. This task is sometimes thwarted by lust (8), sloth (9), or anger/intolerance (1).
Eight: The Protective Maverick
The 8 is fiercest character in the Enneagram and typically has a large aura and forceful energy to back up their ferociousness. 8s are decisive, blunt, willful, and protective. They are most comfortable taking the protective, leadership role in most situations and prefer to be in charge of others as opposed to being in control. 8s often have trouble controlling their anger and therefore can be intimidating and overly forceful to others. Therefore 8's overexpress the energy of the gut center as the anger is displayed overtly and without apology. Lust is expressed in the 8s refusal to deny their own id impulses.
Nine: The Peaceful Mediator
The 9 is the most peaceful character in the Enneagram and is easy-going, pleasant, unassuming, and temperate. 9s are the peacemaker and find that the energy of the gut center is best mitigated by placating the anger inside themselves. 9s prefer to keep the peace in themselves and in the environment so their energy is calming and stable. 9s are imaginative and can sometimes feel a bit untethered (going against the typical energy of the gut center) in an effort to avoid the unpleasant feelings that may come to their awareness. Therefore the energy of the gut center is underexpressed with the 9 as they attempt to deny any anger that may arise within themselves. 9s can have a tendency to fall asleep to the self, preferring to just float through life unbothered by development or too much involvement which is why sloth/laziness can be problematic.
One: The Perfectionstic Reformer
The 1 is upright, moral, and fair-minded and typically likes to live up to their own internal standards. 1s are perfectionstic and desire that life fall into accordance with their ideals. They are hardworking and dilligent and believe that human decency is best upheld through the teaching of these values to others. 1s can focus on a variety of issues as ideal causes from the environment to religion or the law. 1s tend to control the anger of the gut center by controlling themselves; the belief is that if I do what is right, and I am good/right then I will be okay. Negative emotions are therefore transformed into more appropriate emotions that can be produced to create change. 1s are focused on self improvement but can become nit-picking, moralizing, and degrading to those they see as "wrong". Anger is expressed indirectly through intolerance, irritation, or indignation due to their incredibly high standards and the fear that they will not meet them.
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